Sunday, April 8, 2012


I chose to take a closer look at NAEYC. One article in particular talks about developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs. The article points out the shortage of good care for children in the highly vulnerable infant and toddler years have become critical. This difficulty is especially acute in the under-funded early childhood arena, especially the child care sector, which is losing well prepared teaching staff and administrators at an alarming rate.
NAEYC. (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from


  1. Temeka,

    Thank you for sharing your post. I also think it's sad and scary that we are losing such high-quality teachers and professionals in the field as a result of funding and budget cuts. I know that our states face many challenges, especially when it comes to allocating funds, but I just don't understand how any policy maker can think that it's okay to cut funding in education, particularly early childhood education. These are our children, and if we can't even protect them, then who will?


  2. Temeka,
    You chose an organization that is close to my heart. I have been a member for a longtime and enjoy attending their conferences. You are absolutely right, quality care of children is being compromised and it is a very scary thing. Also the hiring of highly qualified staff and administrators seem to be at a all-time low. As advocates for children ,this should concern us, after all, we’re talking about educating the future leaders.
